Friday, December 16, 2016

Mergers are good for business, Why not government?

Mergers are good for business, why not government? 


Many businesses and organizations in NJ have consolidated or merged in the last five years to become more profitable and sustainable. 

Merck merged with Schering Plough.

United merged with Continental. 

The Girl Scouts in NJ consolidated their troops from 11 to 4. 

The Red Cross consolidated chapters in NJ. 

These organizations knew the status quo was failing and took actions to ensure the health and well being of their respective business enterprises


So why is it heresy to talk about how merging municipalities might have a positive impact on the future health and well being of our 565 towns

Are we best served by having 565 towns duplicating over 80 percent of the same services, such as police and administration?

When the word consolidation/merger appears in the business section, people are elated. When the words consolidation/merger appear in the local news section, people are terrified. 


Why does the newspaper section change our perception of consolidation so dramatically?

It must be because entrenched government officials have determined that 565 municipalities are essential to our well being in New Jersey

But if we want government to operate more efficiently and be like a business, then we need to accept consolidation as an option. 

Refusing to change is an unacceptable option in our desire to build a better future.


Keep checking our website for two exciting developments:

1- the soon to be published book “A Tale of Two Tigers,” about Princeton’s consolidation by former Princeton Township Mayor Chad Goerner; talks, receptions to be held in conjunction with the book launch.
2- A talent contest for innovative ideas that would reduce property taxes – five cash prizes of $1,000 each for the best ideas; details forthcoming.

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