Saturday, July 18, 2015

Only in NJ can we turn a road to success into a dead end!

Are we ever going to control and reduce our property taxes in NJ? 
Not if our state won't give the same financial support to other towns that it gave to the Princetons' successful consolidation in 2013. 

The NJ State Legislature passed a law in 2007 giving taxpayers more power with the right to petition to form a state approved Municipal Consolidation Study Commission. This body has the task to study projected savings, the impact on services and define what the unified town would look like. An independent study is needed to assist the Commisioners in finding out the answers. Princeton received 50% of its funding from the state. 

The law is working as intended. 

If local mayors or governing bodies do not want to give up their positions and fiefdoms, then the taxpayers do not have to be held hostage. They can use this law. 

The law has been successful. 

2011- Cherry Hill and Merchantville formed a Consolidation Study Commission but was disbanded shortly after. No funding for a feasibility study from the state. 

2013- Scotch Plains and Fanwood petitioned and formed a Consolidation Study Commission but was dissolved a year later. No funding or support from the state. 

2015- Roxbury and Mt. Arlington have recently formed a Consolidation Study Commission to study for the first time in NJ a possible town and school merger. 

Is it possible that the state of NJ will not financially support taxpayers using their law?  Unfortunately YES. 

So the Princeton's will be the only towns in NJ to use this law?  No other towns can have the opportunity to build on the successful consolidation of Princeton. 

How short sighted can our state be? These taxpayers are not just complaining and grousing about their high property taxes but have put in years of effort to  petition, follow the law and create Consolidation Study Commissions only to have the state not do its part of the law. Fund the law!!
Fund the efforts of taxpayers!!

Are you outraged? 
Send your outrage to your legislators.  

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