So facing a $5.8 million a year savings for their taxpayers, the Pennsauken Mayor and governing body unanimously rejected consideration of the County Police bid.
Really!! No counter proposal. No negotiations. No looking further to explore a workable solution.
No discussion period.
What was the number they were looking for?
When was the last time Pennsauken paid
$8.2 million a year for salary, wages and benefits instead of the current $13.3 million? Twenty years ago? Talk about turning the financial clocks back.
The report clearly states that Pennsauken has too many officers and can reduce their force by at least 10 and actually improve service levels. The police can become more efficient in serving the community.
So the story goes; 150 residents show up to a governing body meeting and voiced their objections. 150 out of 35,885 residents, said they liked their police department the way it is (status quo) and they would lose town identity.
How many of the 150 residents read the preliminary report? I have a number in mind. It is the second letter in NO.
Is it possible that the 150 were stakeholders or friends of stakeholders, all putting a stake in the heart of reducing property taxes?
Did the governing body take into account the average household income is $65,900? They must believe the residents clearly have a lot of disposable income, especially after they pay the average $4,796 in property taxes. So Pennsauken taxpayers saving $57.5 million the next 6 years, is frankly, NO big deal.
Can the Pennsauken Mayor and governing body ever again say that they are committed to reducing property taxes in their town??
I bet you they do! Next election.